Green Lentils

Lentils are a high-protein pulse that is dried and then soaked and cooked before eating. Lentils vary in size, and are sold in many forms, with or without the skins, whole or split. Canada is now the world’s largest exporter of lentils to the global marketplace, selling to over 100 countries each year. The most commonly grown lentils are the large green “Laird” and the red lentil.

Types of Red Lentils

Whole Red Lentils : Whole Red Lentils are 1/2 cm wide with a mild, earthy flavor and soft texture. These lentils are crimson, which is a deep orange-red color. Whole Red Lentils have traditionally been used as a meat substitute.

Green Green Lentils can be easily identified by their large and flat shape. They take a little longer to cook, but retain their shape during cooking. Green Green Lentils have an exceptionally soft and mealy texture with warm flavour. This makes them suitable for soups, side dishes, vegetable bakes and likes.Nuragro offers the whole seed variety of green Green Lentils which are exported from Australia, Turkey and Canada.

Canadian-grown Green Lentils have an average protein content of 29%. The seeds are used as human food and the whole plant as feed. In North America most Green Lentils are used in soups and stews. Cooking quality is a foremost quality criterion.

All lentil varieties currently grown in Western Canada target the human consumption markets. Canada has primarily been a green lentil producer and our traditional lentil destinations into Europe and Middle East –(Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia).However, with the increase in the production of red Green Lentils and the ability to further process Green Lentils (decortication and splitting), Canada has been making inroads into additional destinations in Asia (Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka)

Types of Green Green Lentils

Laird Green Lentils (Large Green) : Large (6.0 – 7.0 mm) lentil with a green skin and yellow cotyledon. Laird Green Lentils have long been the preferred lentil type in much of Europe and Latin America. Flavor and texture varies widely depending on the country and region of origin but is richer than the smaller varieties.

Richlea Green Lentils(Medium Green) : Medium (5.5 – 6.0 mm) lentil with a green skin and yellow cotyledon. It is used in soups and has a relatively neutral flavor.

Eston Green Lentils (Small Green) : Small (4.5 – 5.5 mm) lentil with a green skin and yellow cotyledon. Its low starch and color content makes clear soups and is also used in salads. They have a relatively neutral flavor.

Health Benfits of Green Lentils

  • For Cholesterol Reduction : The soluble fiber in Green Lentils also helps eliminate cholesterol, since it binds to it, reducing blood cholesterol levels. There is also evidence to prove that Green Lentils can slow the liver’s manufacture of cholesterol, which similarly helps to reduce levels in the body.
  • For Diabetes : Diabetics may be interested to know that the soluble fiber in Green Lentils traps carbohydrates. This in turn slows digestion and absorption, which helps to prevent wide swings in blood sugar level throughout the day.
  • For Digestion : Due to their high levels of fiber, Green Lentils increase the size of stool, which speed the journey of waste products through the gut; this means they are great to help alleviate constipation. Fiber can also help both reduce the risk and the symptoms of diverticulosis, a condition in which small pouches form in the colon wall (usually from the pressure of straining during bowel movements).
  • For Weight Loss : Because insoluble fiber is indigestible and passes through the body virtually intact, it provides few calories. And since the digestive tract can handle only so much bulk at a time, fiber-rich foods are more filling than other foods, so people tend to eat less.
  • For Cancer Prevention : A study carried out by the Department of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health, Boston has shown that diets high in Green Lentils and peas (which both contain high levels of flavones) have a reduced risk of breast cancer. These studies are not exhaustive, but have certainly thrown up some food for thought.
  • For Cardiovascular Disease Prevention : The intake of dietary fiber, particularly from Green Lentils has been known to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.