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Kidney Beans are reddish and brown in color. Like the name these are Kidney Shaped Pulses.
Their flesh is soft and creamy. These are available in dried and canned form.
These are used in mixed bean salds, stews and polished red kidney beans (Rajma) are used in simmered dishes and these beans have good tendency of absorbing flavors of seasoning and other foods together which these are cooked.
Dark Red Kidney Beans The Dark Red Kidney Beans are medium in size and elongated. The color is dark amber and smooth without marking. The Beans are famous of their deep flavor and smooth texture. These beans are used in most kitchens and standby for chili and baked beans.
Small Red kidney Beans
Small Red Beans are known as Habichuelas, HabasPaquenosColorados and Red Mexican. These beans are Plump, Round Beans and have the Deep Brick Red Color. The size of the bean is ½ inch long. The flavor is mild and texture is firm. This bean is much famous in southern red bean dish and Rice.
Kidney beans have a very favorable effect on our health as they contain all the vital nutrients necessary for the overall development of the body. Following are some of the positive effects of the consumption of kidney beans on our body
Kidney beans are rich in many soluble and insoluble fibers, which in turn help in lowering the level of cholesterol in our body. These fiber-rich kidney beans/white kidney beans also help in improving the blood sugar level and are thus, a good source of diet for people suffering from diabetes or hypoglycemia
The presence of fibers also helps in reducing the various risks associated with coronary heart diseases. Folate and magnesium present in kidney beans also help in preventing heart diseases. Folate helps in decreasing the levels of ‘homocysteine’, an amino acid. An increased blood level of these homocysteines are the actual cause of strokes, heart attacks, etc. Thus folate rich kidney beans help to mitigate the risk of hearts attacks to a great extent
The kidney beans are also rich in iron, a vital requirement for energizing the body. They thus help in replenishing the iron in our body. It is extremely important for pregnant women to have kidney beans because they need more of iron during this time. The flow of blood is also increased due to these iron rich kidney beans
Red kidney beans also contain thiamine or Vitamin B1, which is critical for the proper functioning of the brain cells. They, thus help in improving the memory power, and in reducing the Alzheimer’s disease.