Red Lentils

Lentils are a high-protein pulse that is dried and then soaked and cooked before eating. Lentils vary in size, and are sold in many forms, with or without the skins, whole or split. Canada is now the world’s largest exporter of lentils to the global marketplace, selling to over 100 countries each year. The most commonly grown lentils are the large green “Laird” and the red lentil.

Types of Red Lentils

Whole Red Lentils : Whole Red Lentils are 1/2 cm wide with a mild, earthy flavor and soft texture. These lentils are crimson, which is a deep orange-red color. Whole Red Lentils have traditionally been used as a meat substitute.

Parameter Requirements Comments/ Variation
Physical Characteristics The Lentils shall be hard and well filled
Purity 99% min. by weight Whole Lentils, defective Lentils and seed coats
Moisture 14% max —-
Defective Seeds Container: 3% max by weight Lentils not of the specified variety. Lentil kernels that are broken, heat damaged, hail damaged, insect damaged, frosted, shrivelled, split, chipped, sprouted, affected by mould (field or storage). Includes pods that contain Lentils, whether broken or unbroken and loose seed coat.
Bulk ship: 5% max by weight
Varietal Restriction 1% max by weight Lentils not of the specified variety.
Poor color 1% max by weight Discoloured Lentils have excessive discolouration of the seed coat as per the Pulse Australia Lentil Photographic Charts. Includes disease, frost and water staining.
Screen size Aldinga – 2.2mm slotted hole If whole lentils fall through then classed defective. All material that passes through screen is part of defective or foreign material as applicable.
All other varieties – 2 mm slotted hole
Foreign Material 1% max by weight Unmilliable material and all vegetable matter other than Lentil seed material.
Unmillable Material 0.1% max by weight Soil, stones, metals and non-vegetable matter.
Field insects One (1) max. Dead per 200 g sample

Decorticated Whole Red Lentils (Also known as: Footballs) : The Red Footballs are also made from the Whole Red Lentil. The skin is removed from the lentil, leaving the inside portion of the seed whole (not split). The result is a beautiful intact, reddish-orange polished product.

Split Red Lentils (Also known as: Lentille, Masoor, Mercimek) : Split red lentils are made from splitting the whole red lentil. The skin is removed and the remaining reddish-orange seed is then split into two halves. A product of Canada, and among the best in the world known for quality.

Parameter Requirements Comments/ Variation
Physical Characteristics Good colour lentils: Split lentils having a clean and bright appearance. The lentils shall be milled from hard and well-filled whole red lentil seed.
Purity 99.75% min. by weight Split lentils, whole Lentils and caps.
Moisture 14% max —-
Foreign Material 0.25% max by weight Unmilliable material (i.e. includes soil, stones, metals and non-vegetable matter) and all vegetable matter other than Lentil seed material including detached seed coats.
Poor colour 0.25% max by weight Kernel that is distinctly off colour from the characteristic colour of the predominating class. Includes lentils that are brown, black, green and / or yellow.
Chalky white disease 0.25% max by weight ———
Caps 0.25% max by weight Caps are those seed coats adhering to split or broken see measured as a combined weight.
Dehulled whole lentils 5% max by weight ——
Broken and /or kibble lentils 5% max by weight Lentil seed material that passes through a round hole screen. Northfield = 2.87mm; all other varieties = 3mm
Screen size Northfield = 2.78mm round hole Lentil material broken or kibble if falls through.
All other varieties – 3 mm round hole
Field insects Nil tolerance Dead per 200 g sample
Foreign seeds 2 cereal seeds max. Cereal seeds exception only.

Red Lentils Split

Red Lentils Split

Red Lentils Whole

Common Packing For Container Shipment

Products Packing Container
Green Lentils 25kg or 50kg PP Bags 460Bags x 50kg in 20’FCL or 920Bags x 25kg in 20’FCL

Origin of Red Lentils with production

Canada (22.3%)India (12.37%)Australia (3.9%)Turkey (3.8%)Nepal (2.5%)

Nutrition Facts

  • Serving Size: 100gm
  • Amounts per servings
  • Calories 116
  • % Daily Values*
  • Total Fat 0.4g
  • Saturated fat 0.1g
  • Polyunsaturated fat 0.2g
  • Monounsaturated fat 0.1g
  • Cholesterol 0mg
  • Sodium 2 mg
  • Potassium 369mg
  • Total Carbohydrate 20g
  • Dietary fiber 8g
  • Sugar 1.8g
  • Protein 9g
  • Vitamin A
    Vitamin C
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin D
    Vitamin B-6
  • Vitamin B-12
  • *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 Calorie diet.

Health Benfits of Red Lentils

  • Lower Cholesterol : Lentils help to reduce blood cholesterol since it contains high levels of soluble fiber. Lowering your cholesterol levels reduces your risk of heart disease and stroke by keeping your arteries clean.
  • Heart Health : Several studies have shown that eating high fiber foods like lentils reduces your risk of heart disease. Lentils are also a great source of folate and magnesium, which are big contributors to heart health. Folate lowers your homocysteine levels, a serious risk factor for heart disease. Magnesium improves blood flow, oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. Low levels of magnesium have been directly associated with heart disease, so eating lentils will keep your heart happy!
  • Digestive Health : Insoluble dietary fiber found in lentils helps prevent constipation and other digestive disorders like irritable bowel syndrome and diverticulosis.
  • Stabilized Blood Sugar : Adding to the many benefits of fiber, soluble fiber traps carbohydrates, slowing down digestion and stabilizing blood sugar levels. This can be especially helpful for those with diabetes, insulin resistance or hypoglycemia.
  • Good Protein : Of all legumes and nuts, lentils contain the third-highest levels of protein. 26 percent of lentil’s calories are attributed to protein, which makes them a wonderful source of protein for vegetarians and vegans.
  • Increases Energy : Lentils increase steady, slow-burning energy due its fiber and complex carbohydrates. Lentils are also a good source of iron, which transports oxygen throughout your body and is key to energy production and metabolism.
  • Weight Loss : Although lentils include all these beneficial nutrients like fiber, protein, minerals and vitamins, they are still low in calories and contain virtually no fat. One cup of cooked lentils only contains about 230 calories, but still leaves you feeling full and satisfied.