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The pigeon peas (Cajanuscajan), alternatively known as Angola Pea, Gungo Pea, Congo-Pea, Pigeon-Pea, No Eye Pea, Red Gram, Yellow Dhal, Puerto Rico Pea, is a plant species in the legume family of the widely cultivated genus CajanusAdans. Four varieties of pigeon peas are: tree types, tall varieties, dwarf varieties and smaller bushes. Pigeon peas are one of the most important food legume crops which grow in the tropical and subtropical climates. It is a drought tolerant and warm weather crop.
It was domesticated in India 3,500 years ago. The seeds are used as grains in Africa, Asia and Latin America. It was grown for thousands of years in India. Around 2,000 BC, pigeon pea was developed in East Africa which was then brought to the America. Today pigeon pea is grown widely throughout the world in tropical and subtropical regions.
Toor Whole varieties are Lemon, Sagaing, Linkhay, Red & White, Mahlaing Shwephalar )
Blood Pressure: One of the key minerals found in pigeon peas is potassium, and while this element plays a number of roles in the body, it is perhaps best known as a vasodilator, able to reduce the constriction of blood vessels and thereby lower blood pressure. For those suffering from hypertension or at high risk of cardiovascular disease, adding pigeon peas to your daily or weakly diet is a wise move.
Growth and Development: The reason that pigeon peas have become such an irreplaceable part of the diet in many parts of the world is their densely packed protein content. A single cup of cooked pigeon peas contains 11 grams of protein. Protein is essential for normal growth and development, as it is the building block of everything from cells and tissues to muscles and bones. Protein is also important for normal healing and regeneration of cells throughout the body.
Anemia Prevention: The incredibly high levels of folate found in pigeon peas play a dual role within the body. First of all, folate deficiency is closely linked to anemia and certain neural tube defects in unborn children. Anemia is a very common affliction in tropical and developing countries, which makes pigeon peas all the more important. A single cup of pigeon peas provides more than 110% of the daily recommended intake of this important vitamin.
Anti-inflammatory Activity: Every part of the pigeon pea plant has been used in some form to cure inflammatory issues, including the leaves, seeds and peas themselves. The organic compounds found in pigeon peas can quickly reduce swelling and inflammation throughout the body. More specifically, a paste made from mashed pigeon peas is a popular traditional medicine for piles, commonly known as hemorrhoids.
Weight Loss Efforts: Despite being loaded with nutrients, pigeon peas are moderate in terms of calories and very low in saturated fats and cholesterol. One of the problems with any diet is the feeling of hunger between those small, conscientious meals. The dietary fiber and wealth of nutrients found in pigeon peas will keep you feeling full, increase the rate of your metabolism and not lead to weight gain. In fact, most of the nutrients in pigeon peas convert to usable energy than storable fat.
Energy Boost: As mentioned above, the energy conversion of pigeon peas to energy is impressive, to say the least, and this is mainly thanks to the presence of B vitamins in these legumes. Niacin and riboflavin actively promote the metabolism of carbohydrates by the body, and prevent the storage of fat, thus boosting overall energy levels without packing on any pounds. This is ideal for people who live in arid climates, work physically demanding jobs, or deal with unusual climates that deplete energy quickly.
Immune System Aid: Sometimes raw is better when it comes to maintaining nutrients, and when it comes to vitamin C levels in these legumes, it is a smarter choice to chew on the raw green peas. The vitamin C content drops by nearly 25% once you cook the peas, so if you need a boost for your immune system, keep them uncooked! Vitamin C can stimulate the production of white blood cells and acts as an antioxidant in the body, thus promoting overall wellness and strong immunity.
Heart Health: The combination of potassium, dietary fiber and low levels of cholesterol all make pigeon peas a great choice for maintaining heart health. Potassium reduces strain on the heart by lowering blood pressure, dietary fiber can help to balance cholesterol levels and prevent atherosclerosis. By still delivering essential nutrients without unbalancing overall cholesterol with saturated fats, your heart will thank you!
Digestive Issues: Like many legumes, pigeon peas are a rich source of dietary fiber, which is well known to improve digestion. Fiber can bulk up stool and promote more regular bowel movements, thus reducing strain and inflammation, and lowering the occurrence of constipation, bloating, cramping and diarrhea. Furthermore, fiber can improve the efficiency with which the gut absorbs nutrients, meaning that you get more out of your food!